
your email tools

We’re committed to taking email marketing to the next level. We believe that email marketing’s continuous success and effectiveness is due to the highly collaborative industry we’re in. That’s why we want to give back and put together these resources full of email best practices, tips and other useful downloads.

Check out our Blog or Videos.

  • Setting up Klaviyo * – to be done once we have a new client
  • Duplicating Shopify Flows in Klaviyo
  • Create Engagement Tiers *
  • Create Levels of Engagement
  • Create Advanced Cart Abandon Flow (Shopify and Bigcommerce)
  • Checking Dynamic DataEditing copy within Klaviyo (use source code)
  • Check Integrations – Is it integrated with Shopify?
  • Creating coupon codes in Klaviyo and how to use them
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